Symmetry / Orderliness OCD Test & Symptoms

What Is Symmetry / Orderliness OCD?

OCD involves obsessive thoughts that cause anxiety, fear, and distress, followed by compulsive behavior designed to alleviate that distress.  A common misconception is that OCD is limited to people who clean all the time or count things. While these behaviors may be a part of an OCD, they do not define it and much of OCD revolves around fears of other things.

Symmetry OCD involves obsessions and compulsions with arranging objects, often symmetrically, and making sure everything is aligned in a way that the individual considers to be right or correct. They may straighten objects over and over again, line things up very evenly, rearrange books on a shelf or cups in a cabinet, and focus excessively on balance or symmetry of movement. This is not about making things neat and clean but rather about reducing anxiety or achieving a sense of feeling ‘just right.’ The individual’s obsessions and compulsions get in the way of living a normal life in many cases.

    Signs & Symptoms of Symmetry / Orderliness OCD

    Symmetry OCD can cause significant distress and interfere with everyday activities. Some common symptoms include:

    • Repetitive behaviors such as straightening, aligning or symmetry checking
    • Excessive concern with symmetry, orderliness and exactness
    • Spending long periods of time carrying out symmetry-related behaviors
    • Feeling anxious or distressed if symmetry is not achieved
    • Avoiding situations or activities that could lead to asymmetry
    • Insistence on having others stick to rigid rules of symmetry and orderliness

    Symmetry OCD Test – A First Step to Help

    If you suspect that you experience these types of behaviors, taking a symmetry OCD test here will help you begin the process of obtaining a correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment. All of the questionnaires on this website have been developed by mental health professionals who use only the best diagnostic information to develop questions.

    When you recognize certain obsessive behaviors or compulsions to rearrange objects, line things up, balance items or even yourself and your movements perfectly, or do other things described above, taking the symmetry OCD test is a great first step to help.

    The official diagnostic tests, which is called the Y-BOCS (or Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale), are only available through mental health practitioners. They are a necessary step in your efforts to regain a more comfortable and pleasant everyday life.

    Take the first step to getting the help you need. Click on the button to take the Symmetry OCD Test here. You may also benefit from taking the first OCD Test, too. Explore our comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions section and look into various Resources for more information about research, treatment programs, and providers.

    You do not need to suffer from Symmetry OCD forever. The first step involves taking this online OCD test. Then, you will be better equipped to make decisions about getting help and following a treatment plan that can help you live a better life now and into the future.


    OCD is a serious disorder that can impact many areas of someone’s life. If you are experiencing any of the signs or symptoms of symmetry OCD, it is important to seek professional help. The sooner you get treatment, the better your chances for recovery will be. Thanks for following our blog on symmetry OCD. We hope this information has been helpful and informative.