Treatment for Intrusive Thoughts

Although it is easier said than done, you need to try not to let intrusive thoughts run your life and negatively affect your day- to- day choices. You can take steps towards managing them yourself by:

  • Practicing mindfulness
  • Not fearing the thoughts and allowing yourself to dismiss them
  • Taking the thoughts less personally
  • Accepting them when they appear for what they are

For some people, self-help methods are not enough, and they will require professional treatment. This might include;

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy/Exposure and response Prevention (ERP): This is the gold-standard treatment for OCD related intrusive thoughts
  • One on one counseling with a mental health professional who is trained in the treatment of OCD
  • Medication such as SSRIs

OCD related intrusive thoughts can have a debilitating effect on your everyday life. Sufferers may be embarrassed about their condition and unwilling to voice their thoughts out of a fear of being judged. If you have intrusive thoughts, it is vital that you seek help to prevent the thoughts from taking over your life. It is important to remember that these thoughts are involuntary and out of your control, but there are ways you can manage them to prevent them from becoming debilitating.